Why do I get an "Anti-spam error" message when sending?

The two reasons for the anti-spam error code.

The error code "3524" or "Anti spam error. Perm" means that your sending attempt has failed due to fraud suspicion or a prohibited OADC (Sender ID) in the destination country.

If your messages are legit an element of your message may have triggered the smsmode© spam filter.

2 types of content are blocked:

  • Some Sender IDs (OADC for Originator ADdress Code)
  • Some URLs in the message body

Sender ID Rules:

Due to the increase of smishing, the authorities (Operators, AF2M, A2C and aggregators) have implemented several actions to prevent SMS phishing.

Among which blocking certain personalized senders (Sender ID).

4 types of sender blocking are applied :

OADC (Sender ID) strictly prohibited:

A list of sensitive or overly generic sender IDs that can be used to mislead recipients (e.g. SFR, ANTAI, Ameli, reservation, delivery, etc.) is prohibited.

OADC (Sender ID) prohibited unless authorized:

Sender IDs representing existing brands, banks or institutions are also prohibited, and cannot be used without the official agreement of the brands/institutions in question (BNP, Netflix, Amazon, Chronopost, etc.).

OADC (Sender ID) with special characters:

The use of special characters to mislead the recipient is prohibited (e.g. ap>le in an attempt to reproduce Apple, compte:gouv, etc.).

Non-exhaustive list of prohibited special characters:

* |< !? ; '

Some separator characters (- _ &) are permitted.

OADC (Sender ID) with abnormal numbers:

Customized senders containing digits to imitate a telephone number or short code are also prohibited.

If you think that your Sender ID prevent issuing your sending, contact us at sales@smsmode.com or by phone: +44 20 3514 2545

URL rules :

In the vast majority of smishing attempts, a URL link is included in the SMS to redirect the recipient to a fraudulent website.

smsmode© has therefore decided to block all URLs. You can, of course, forward us any legitimate links/URLs you wish to include in your SMS content.

How do I whitelist a URL?

If you'd like to add a link to your SMS campaign, please contact us at sales@smsmode.com or dialing : +44 20 3514 2545