How to obtain a LOA (Letter of Authorization) for your Sender IDs in ISA?

In France, some Sender IDs/OADCs are forbidden unless authorized. smsmode© helps you register them.

1. Obtain a LOA (Letter Of Authorization) with the following information:

  • Company name and requested SenderID/OADC,
  • Contact details of the person in charge (surname, first name, email address and telephone number),
  • Justification for use of SenderID,
  • Official document on letterhead,
  • Company signature and stamp.

2. LOA submission and validation:

  • Send the LOA to smsmode, which forwards it to the relevant operators.
  • The relevant operators valide them. 

3. Activation and testing:

  • Sender ID/OADC activated after approval,
  • Verification of correct operation of dispatches.

Please note Respect local regulations and avoid any misuse of the Sender ID/OADC.


How do I register an OADC or SenderID in France? 

If you would like to know whether you can use a SenderID or OADC, please contact us via or by telephone: + 33 (0) 4 91 05 64 63