• correctly configure access to your smsmode© customer account.
You can also access the page directly here: https://ui.smsmode.com/organization
At smsmode©, you can invite new members to join your organization and thus be able to access our services. Each member is identified by their email address and this access is intended to be used by a single person.
Each user access is associated with a specific role that determines what rights are granted to that member and determines what account information they can access and what tasks they can perform.
There are 3 roles:
✱ administrator: has complete rights and total control over the entire account (main account, sub-account and channels).
✱ manager: has overall control over the account, except for adding new members and managing sub-organizations.
✱ user: has a very limited role with access limited to sending messages, managing the address book, all on a single channel.
It is important to improve the security of your account, to remove obsolete access and to verify that the assigned roles/channels correspond to the missions of these members.
Organisation, member, channel. What are the differences? |
I have a manager role, can I define the access rights? Unfortunately not. Only the administrator can do this. Please note that there can only be one administrator per organisation. Only the administrator can invite and remove members and only the administrator can manage member roles. |